What is Malware and How Can We Prevent From Malware?
What is Malware and How Can We Prevent From Malware?
Malware is a malicious software, that is any program or file which is hazardous to a computer user. Malware is any piece of software that was written with the intention of doing damage to data, devices or people. This malware can perform a variety of functions such as stealing, encrypting or deleting the important data, monitors user’s activity without their permission, altering core computing functions.
There are different types of malware such as viruses, Trojan, worms, ransomware, adware, botnet. Malware attackers use a variety of methods to spread malware and infect computers. Malicious programs can enter into a system through physical devices or internet. Phishing attacks are another type of malware activity; it includes emails covered as legal messages contain malicious links or attachments which can deliver the malware executable to unsuspicious users.
When our computers work is slowing down or behaving in an abnormal way, we often think that it is a virus. But it may not be a virus; it can be some type of malware. Here, there are tips to prevent a computer from malware attacks.
So, this is the malware means malicious file. It harms your computer. Hence take the prevention steps before the malware gets contact with your computer.