USB Protection

Did you know that malware can enter your PC via your USB key?

Yes, every time you connect a USB drive to your computer system, it may get malware, and the reason could be the auto-run function of Windows operating system. That’s why you need USB security


While security software comes with many other features, the main function of this software is to protect your PC against all kinds of viruses that can enter via the USB key. RAM Antivirus software is actually a solution to many security problems on your PC. When a USB device is inserted into your computer, the USB RAM Antivirus protection automatically scans it, blocks and removes the USB virus, Trojans and malicious code. It can also detect and remove USB viruses such as the autorun virus from your computer. It can also remove the autorun.inf virus due to which you cannot open your hard drive and USB stick (USB stick, memory card) by double-clicking.

Benefits and Features

RAM Antivirus Security removes files that could harm your PC via USB storage. Or the best software to block threats that compromise your personal information.

Block known and unknown threats from removable media

Free for personal use

Prevent unauthorized people from stealing your data

Compatible with Windows platforms

Fastest and lightest security software

Best solution to protect an offline computer

The RAM Antivirus Ultimate version is the most powerful USB data protection against all types of viruses and malicious threats. Without a doubt, this software is the best virus protection software, the software does not slow down your computer. Whenever you plug an external USB drive into your PC, it will immediately keep your PC safe from known or unknown dangerous threats. It cleans all USB drives, flash drives, USB drives, USB drives, digital cards, memory cards, iPods and more removable storage.

RAM Antivirus becomes one of the antivirus with USB scanner. So that users can take advantage of powerful action against malware detected after inserting a USB key into a computer. USB immunizer deactivates threats before they enter the computer. And once installed, it constantly monitors and monitors newly inserted USB devices and vaccinates them on the fly.

Protect your PC from pendrive threats. Free USB Disk Security is a small, free app that claims to keep your pendrives and USB disks

Download USB Disk Security: Download USB Disk Security · 2. Save the installer: When the File Download

RAM Antivirus USB Protection

RAM Antivirus scans portable drives such as USB drives. Which may be attached to files transferred to your computer from threats or malware. Which can spread the infection. Thanks to USB Detector, USB Flash Drives detects and analyzes RAM for threats or malware immediately after inserting it into the USB port. This protects your computer from the spread of malware or viruses.

Users who often share files using USB drives may need to use this antivirus with a USB scanner as it offers more than just protection for your USB, as you can also take advantage of their amazing customer service and additional level protection for your computer. This powerful, leading antivirus created the USB Immunizer in response to growing malware problems, especially auto-run malware, which has been a harmful electronic threat globally. Some of the auto-run malware that has troubled users of thumb drives for years includes the Trojan.AutorunInf, the Conficker worm and / or Worm.Autorun.VHD.

USB Security helps lock your USB flash drives to password protect your sensitive data and privacy from being violated BY UNAUTHORISED USERS .RAM ANTIVIRUS PROVIDE STRONG USB PROTECTION tool that protects your computer from threats lurking inside pen drives.RAM ANTIVIRUS USB Protection is a program that protects your files in a USB drive from unauthorized copying and distribution.RAM ANTIVIRUS USB write protection is useful for keeping the contents of your drive safe from malware when you need to view them on a computer. To download and install RAM ANTIVIRUS USB Disk Security please follow these instructions.